Terrence Joseph Gintner, born October 10, 1939 to Adeline (Grill) and Clarence Gintner, passed away on March 29,2020 at Gabriel’s Villa in Oshkosh, WI. from complications due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Dad attended Barber College in Green Bay, and began his career at Benny’s, then with Mel Jensen, and finally with a man by the name of Wally Madsen. One thing led to another and in the mid 60’s, dad became the sole owner of the barbershop on 17th and Ohio Street that he and Wally ran together (There was a rumor that this was the best place to get bubble gum and candy in the neighborhood…). In 1973, dad took hairstyling training through the O’Rourke Company and brought my mom into the business, which now catered to both men and women, and so began His and Her Hair Designers. Dad also worked as a platform artist doing demonstrations around the state for other professionals in the hair industry.

He also worked as a mock examiner for the Barbering Program at FVTI, and was a gifted and patient teacher to the people he worked with. He often said that he taught everyone what they knew, but not everything he knew…

He was a member of the Jaycees, the South West Rotary Club, and was active in the community, especially in the middle and high schools doing demonstrations on live student models with current hairstyle trends, and gave tips on caring for hair since blow dryers and curling irons had now become styling tools. He felt it was important to look good, because when you looked good you felt good, and when you felt good you did good… how many times did we hear this, huh Kevin?

Dad had a love of being outdoors, which must have been the farmer in him. He completed the Master Gardener program, and loved to play in the dirt, spending countless hours outside in the vegetable garden, or in his flower beds. He was the king of the grill, and we fondly remember dad starting the gas grill (since the ignition switch didn’t work) with a lit cigarette tossed into the grill with a big woosh. It’s a wonder we didn’t lose him to this antic, or that he never burned himself….

Dad had a huge talent with hair, but his Super Power was being a people person. No matter where he went, it seemed like he always ran into someone he knew. If he didn’t know you, he would still strike up a conversation with you, and chances are he found a person in common, and that made you instant friends by association. He truly had a gift to make friends no matter where he was, whether at Bemis, at Hardee’s, or with someone sitting in his barber chair, everyone was a friend. That could be one reason why it seemed like he knew the whole city of Oshkosh…

After mom’s stroke in 2008, dad spent the next 10 years caring for her at home until her passing in 2018. It seemed that about 4 months after her passing, his body realized that it didn’t have to keep pushing and going as it had been… his COPD got to the point that it wasn’t safe for him to be out in the country, home alone, struggling with this disease, so he decided to move to Gabriel’s Villa. He made more friends, not only with the other residents, but also with the staff as well. It was funny how he would sit in the main living room area by the front door, not only as the unofficial greeter, but he could also keep a watchful eye on some of the staff, and would tease them about their comings and goings.

Kevin attended Happy Hour at the Villa with dad most Tuesdays, and he said that someone had asked dad that if he could do anything in his life over again, would he do anything differently? He responded, “Not a damn thing. I loved the life I lived. No regrets… no, not a damn thing.” Through all the good and bad times, it didn’t matter. This is Kevin’s favorite memory of dad. Oh…and the smell of perm solution…not!

As for me, Vicki, I will always remember dad with a twinkle in his eye, the guy who loved to hear and tell a good story or joke (another super power) and was the very best cheerleader any of us could have ever had. He was a guy short on stature (sorry dad, I just had to get that in one last time), but with a huge heart, and a great capacity to love us no matter what. We have been so very blessed with having this guy in our lives, as our dad, grandpa, and as our friend too.

All the players in our clan: Howard Gintner, dad’s younger and taller brother (dad would say he was the better looking one, just saying); Vicki Gintner and her gang, Stephanie, Jacob (Shelby Braun), and TJ (short for Terrence Joseph) Aronson; Kevin (Kris) and their kids Michael (Danielle Mangiulli), Alec (Andrea) and great-grandson Winston, Gintner, Sam and Liz Schaefer; cousins Patti Frohrib and Marybeth Jackson; sister-in-law Janice Ott; nieces Jodie Garb, Kris Moon, and their families.

We would like to thank Ascension Hospice for the excellent care that dad was given.

Most of all, we would like to thank the staff at Gabriel’s Villa for the kind and compassionate care that you gave dad, especially during this difficult time. You all were wonderful in putting up with his teasing, and know that he loved you all for the kind and beautiful people that you are. It was evident at the end; he knew he had to let you say your goodbyes before he could go. It’s ok to miss him, and we thank you all for loving him and caring about him. You can consider yourselves a part of our family… if you want to be associated with this lively and wacky bunch.

There will be a celebration of life that will be held once we can gather in a setting where we can have more than 10 people present and don’t have to maintain social distancing. The date will be August 22, 2020 at ZaRoni’s on Murdock Street in Oshkosh, from 2:00-4:00. Our family’s plan is at 3:45 to have a toast in dad’s honor, with a shot of Kessler’s and a Bud Light chaser. Watch the Oshkosh Herald for any changes/updates. Thank you.

And Dad? Until we meet again… sending hugs wrapped up in love.